
Marty - 2004-10-06 08:02:02
A surrealism generator! Coolio!
Sazzle!!!! - 2004-10-06 10:46:52
lalalala... don't know what to say... I agree :)
oomm - 2004-10-14 17:16:54
This is why I never understood why during campaigns and conventions they haul out the celebrities to endorse one party or the other. Do they really think I WANT to vote the same way as a Baldwin brother? Do they think hmmm...I was going to go with candidate X because he seems to say the things that resonate with me, but now, now that I see mindless celebrity so and so up there saying that canditate Y who has never said a thing I agree with is better...well, now i'm obviously going to vote for candidate Y because someone who plays pretend for a living knows way more than I do about how a country should be run.

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