
mr egg - 2005-10-01 02:24:12
come check me out i'm not a lesbian but i would like to be
candoor - 2005-10-01 05:45:48
what a clever way to encourage comments (I've tried them all, even sarcasm, you'd never know that though, aye?)... the dog has a monkey nose, but then, the Animaniacs are my favorite comics and who knows what breed of what species they are... I like her :)
Carrie - 2005-10-01 16:47:46
Sorry that your friend is being a shithead. It happens lots. ENjoy your day :) Carrie
Maritina - 2005-10-01 16:51:33
nice dog, well she, I think I've read your diary before, sorry for being a ghost...btw the moon phase thing is really mind if I add you to my favourite diaries, you being the first one, I mean I always end up here anyway...
Malthus - 2005-10-01 18:04:41
comment: I love mashed potatoes.
Muffin - 2005-10-01 18:25:04
We love a sassy bitch. Go honeybutt!
Julie 2 scoop - 2005-10-01 22:46:08
Hunnybutt seems to know best. It must be nice to have someone who is very protective. tata babe!
Solemn Beauty - 2005-10-02 00:11:43
I came here through the lesbian friend banner, and I have to say, I am VERY impressed with your female dog dunce drawing.
Discordia - 2005-10-02 02:54:03
Ah, well, you said to leave a comment. so I did.
chuckymwahaha - 2005-10-02 04:22:19
so i thought i'd add to the ever-growing monstrosity that is internet dirt. here's your stupid comment.
Sazz - 2005-10-02 09:39:46
Your drawings kick ass you know that?
Jane - 2005-10-02 11:51:19
Im not leaving my e-mail or URL. I don't know you but I hope you are well. I am not happy today. I have a headache. I had an awful dream. Some aliens had beemed down and kidnapped me. I woke up all wet and sticky. My stupid roommate put powdered sugar in my bed. The bitch. I had biscuits for breakfast. They were soggy because of the butter. I hate butter on my biscuits if it makes them soggy. I'll have to remember that the next time I have biscuits for breakfast. I should get off my tush and clean the kitchen. Its my turn to do it, but I hate the way my roommate Gina leaves stuff on her plate. She had pancakes today and I just know that the syrup is going to cause the underside of the pancake to adhere to the plate. It's a bitch to clean a plate in that condition. I hope I'm not boring you. I'm usually not this verbose. I'm an observer. I stay in the background. I observe things. I'm shy around strangers... but then I guess most people are, too. You know, I wanted to write something down and I forgot what it was. So I'm just going to stop right here and say, "Have a nice day."

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