
Katie - 2004-10-06 23:10:01
I wouldn't disagree with you at this juncture. I wish I could hate you. Don't ask how I found this I'm not going to tell you.
Sazz - 2004-10-07 10:41:51
That was a scattered entry and if the above is the Katie I know of I wish nothing but hatred apon her grrrrrrrrr.... Lalala, Hej-de-ho Char!
salsa-kitten - 2004-10-07 11:48:03
Not being a ghost & being polite...clicked on a banner & here I am!
mental - 2004-10-07 12:55:35
Also clicked on your banner...mostly because you left a word out and the banner made little sense. Just thought you should know.
rhi - 2004-10-07 15:39:48
drive by.....ciao~
Maryn - 2004-10-07 16:48:24
I like your style. hehehe
beth - 2004-10-07 20:45:49
since you said so, and I'm one of those cooperative, submissive type, I am leaving you a comment. One less Ghost! ...Sexay Thang You.

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