2008-01-28 - 12:55 a.m.
Before I start I would like you all to clicky click on the link "fall" twice so you can see how ridiculous I am... seriously it's madness.
I finally finished my series of haircuts... well actually scratch that garbage... I'm gonna go mess it a little more buttttttttttt... here's a picture for you.
So how's that? Good? Eh? Side part? Eh? (Internal monologue: seriously shar... oh man in your own head you couldn't even bother to spell your own abbreviated name correctly... lame self really lame. Seriously. I need to get myself a shirt that reads "C-H-A-R = not a moron I swear").
Wow that was hard to follow. I constantly digress... So anyway yeah why was I writing an entry oh yeah to gripe about how I have lost the ability to deal with computers and web...sighties... no that's not right it's websits... no websites ah now I have it. At 23 I am obsolete... just trade me in now. It'll hurt less now... don't let me get all attached. yeah um, yeah.
So I'm apparently super boring tonight. I watched the L-Word like 3 times and didn't even notice... I swear I don't use any kind of illegal substances. No thank you. I'm high on idiocy and being American thank you veeerrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy much.
I wrote two songs yesterday and I learned how to cover 4 T&S songs. I felt like a champiiiieeeen I mean champion.
.trip. - .fall. - .bounce. - .ashes ashes . - .we all. - .fall down.
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Don't Make Me Hug Myself, I'll Do It!
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............................................................................................I trail off in one sentence out of five
..........................................................................and the rest of the time I just.....
. ..
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